Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am on day5 now! It is working, everyday I am scared to get on the scale afraid it hasn't moved or moved enough. But the past 2 days it has gone down 3.2 lbs!!! I kept wanting to cheat last night, but I just kept drinking water with lemon and a little stevia to satisfy my sweet tooth. Yesterday I had ground beef patty and cucumbers for lunch, for snack 2 apples with cinnamon and stevia, oh it was delish!!! For dinner, flounder and lettuce with vinegar. The worst part of this is in the evening. I just want to eat, eat, and eat! I worked out at Curves yesterday and had a tennis lesson. Today, I will work out at curves and maybe go for a walk. Supper oh what shall we have? My kids want chicken in sour cream and cream of mushroom soup, so I think I will cook that for them and have me a piece of flounder. I had some filet mignon other night and it was delightful! I will have it again Friday night. When my sweetie is home to grill.

We watched "The proposal" last night. It was hilarious, Troy and I laughed so hard. It was a
cute movie. Love snuggling with him and watchin cute movies.

Ryan was up early this morning going to swim with his coach, and Lauren was up with a very sore throat. I am up early working at Curves.

My younger kids all will be giving there speeches today. I hope that do good.

Did I say, my house is getting cleaner, my laundry room is organized, the clothes are now organized, the rooms are mostly done and my room is so much cleaner!!! yes, I feel much better.

Love my husband and my kiddos!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is actually day 6 of the hcg diet but since I found out I was eating too much protein it is actually only day 1 of following protocal. My friend suggested I do minimal or no exercise so that I am not starving and see if they helps my energy.

Yesterday, we cleaned out (as usual) and finished organizing rooms. Joshua/MaryGrace room has their new double/twin bunk and is ready, Katherine and Hannah's room is now normal and organized with their new furniture, Luke, Daniel, Jonathan and Benjamin's room is done, I still must pack up summer clothes and then that room is done. Ryan and Caleb still are waiting on their new bed and hopefully get that junkie room organized. I will call to get our carpets cleaned tomorrow. I am feeling a little less overwhelmed now. Oh, did I mention Troy was able to fix our toilet, kids keep clogging toilets with stuff, uugh!

As far as HCG diet, yesterday I was out of energy by 8:00 pm. I drank 3 cups of green tea, tons of water, had a tilapia filet, and half a grapefruit and cucumbers and vinegar for lunch, supper was lettuce and chicken with an apple. Hard to believe I am living on this, but it is not too bad.
My questions are at this point, should I count today as day 1 and do 30 days? I am thinking that is what I will do. Not realizing my hcg was only good for 14 days, I am not going to have enough. I only have enough for 21 days, so I must order more. My end goal weight for this round is 130. We shall see but 135 is the absolute highest I want to be.

My sweet husband worked his tail off yesterday, moving and putting together furniture. THen was up all night working. needless to say he crashed this morning. At least he had only 1 baby last night that wasn't too hard, God had mercy on him! My kids were up at the sunrise this morning, way too early for me.

It is a beautiful day and I will be playing tennis at 1:30. I hope I have enough energy to play and I want to win, of course!

I need to organize my jewelry boards for tomorrow and this week. I have 2 events this week and hopefully many more in the weeks to come. My dad, mom and sister will be coming for thanksgiving. Not much stuff for me to eat! Oh well, I need to get this weight off and keep it off and reset my metabolism once and for all!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

hcg day 2

I want to eat so bad! Earlier in the day, I was thinking this is not so bad. But I love
a goody this time of night. Even a cracker sounds delicious! Busy day, had lots of jewelry
business to tend to, Hannah to the dentist, still need to get to Sam's. I have a big jewelry event
tomorrow night and praying that God blesses my business. Troy worked on house projects and we felt productive. Although as bad as our house is it didn't help much. Some days being a mother is the greatest joy and sometimes I just feel so drained. Lauren told me I was just mad
at them because I couldn't have much food!

the scales were down 1.2 lbs this morning. I ran/walked on my treadmill for 45 minutes, and had a tennis lesson tonight. For breakfast I drank green tea with stevia. Lunch I had tilapia, an orange and a big bowl of romaine lettuce with apple cider vinegar. It was soooo good. supper was the same with an apple. I am sitting here wanting something. But it is not unbearable, just self control!

Blessing today, Troy was signed up to work an overtime shift and I was so not wanting him to work, but God provided my desire and they called and canceled him at 5:00 due to cencus being down. Yeah God, now let me sell lots of jewelry tomorrow night.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

hcg day 1

Today, I started on my new diet, the hcg diet. For more information go to
Basically you eat tons of fat for day 1 and day 2 and start a very low calorie diet on day 3. Troy, gave me my first shot this morning and I ate like a pig. I could just throw up. I hate food right now and can't wait to get to day 3. I am ready to get to my goal weight and stay fit and healthy. I will have Lauren take my measurements tomorrow night and Troy take some before pictures, although I am not sure I want to see them. Since I dyed my hair everyone wants to see pictures, but I feel so fat and ugly I don't want to see them or let anyone else see them.

I did run on the eliptical today for 50 minutes and I played in a tennis match. We won!!! I played pretty good today. Some days are better days than others. It was such a beautiful day here. The kids ran around the tennis courts and played. I took Lauren to get her and Ryan swim team bathing suits. I got them on sale at Sports Authority and Academy. I love being a mom and today, the kids had a fun day together playing on the trampoline in the pile of leaves. It was so fun to watch them. I will post some pictures in the next few days. Tomorrow I must get up early and run on my treadmill. I am planning on running in the half marathon in March. I also hope to get to Wild Oats and the container store tomorrow to find better ways to store my jewelry. I sell jewelry for a company called Just Jewelry. I am loving it. I have 3 parties this week and hope to fill my calendar for the rest of the year in the next week. Ok, I must get to bed so I can get up early.